Environmental construction monitoring

The environmental view of the construction site

Key to meeting environmental requirements in the construction process

Building permit procedures must take complex environmental requirements into account. Conflicting objectives and uses are often added to this. This leads to extensive and demanding environmental requirements in the building permit procedure.

Environmental construction supervision (UBB) ensures that your project complies with statutory environmental protection regulations and project-specific requirements. Environmental construction supervision often also includes pedological construction supervision.

We support you from planning to completion and ensure that the construction process is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Our expertise in the areas of nature conservation, water and soil protection and energy efficiency ensures that your construction projects are implemented in the best possible way, taking ecological factors into account.

With environmental construction supervision, we contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment and ensure sustainable construction methods.

Our services

Our services for private and public clients:

Reduce harmful environmental influences and consequential costs.

It is advisable to involve environmental specialists at an early stage. Ideally, suitable measures should already be defined during the planning and submission phase in order to minimize harmful environmental impacts and subsequent costs.


Daniel Sabathy

Senior Project Manager Environmental Planning

Lars Schudel

Senior Project Manager Contaminated Sites, Deputy Head of Department Environmental Planning

Our references