The contaminated site program of the Canton of Zurich and cost allocations

The contaminated site program of the Canton of Zurich and cost allocations

Recently, the Office for Waste, Water, Energy and Air (AWEL) presented its interim report on the contaminated site program of the Canton of Zurich. The report contains many interesting facts about the enforcement of the law on contaminated sites in the Swiss canton that has the highest number of entries in the cadastre of contaminated sites (5,740).

Details can be found here:

This report also mentions that the number of official cost allocations by the AWEL has increased significantly in recent years. These are procedures in which the regularly high costs for investigation and remediation measures are distributed among the polluters involved. These proceedings are often complex and take a long time because they require difficult clarifications of facts that occurred many years ago and for which documents are often no longer available. In addition, complex legal issues arise time and again, for which there is little or no precedent.

The lawyers at Ecosens AG have many years of experience in advising and representing parties in such cost allocation proceedings. We assess the chances of success of such proceedings, write petitions and legal documents and participate in meetings and negotiations. In the last five years, we have brought more than 30 such proceedings to a successful conclusion on behalf of our clients and more than ten are still pending.

Further information on our services in connection with cost allocations can be found here:

Reference sheet "Cost allocation"


Contact person:

Lorenz Lehmann

Managing Partner
Chairman of the Board of Directors