Office for the Environment of the Canton-AfU, Thurgau

Legal support in connection with measures under contaminated site law and cost allocation.

The project

The Office for the Environment (AfU) compiles the register of contaminated sites and is responsible for ordering measures for the investigation, monitoring and remediation of contaminated sites in the Canton of Thurgau and for issuing cost allocation decrees in accordance with Art. 32d para. 4 USG. Since 2006, the Legal Department of Ecosens AG has regularly supported the AfU in dealing with complex legal issues and issuing decrees in connection with measures under contaminated sites law and cost allocation. Ecosens AG also advises and assists the FOEN in subsequent appeal proceedings, sometimes up to the Federal Supreme Court (e.g. BGer 1C_712/2020 and 1C_714/2020), when cost allocation orders are contested by parties involved.

Info about the project

Project manager

Lorenz Lehmann

Partner, Head of Environmental and Climate Law, Chairman of the Board of Directors