VBSA CO2 industry agreement DETEC, Berne

Association of Swiss Waste Treatment Plant Operators Contract

The project

Article 3 paragraph 4 of the CO2 Act stipulates that the federal government can agree reduction targets with individual groups of companies. An agreement was concluded between DETEC and the VBSA in 2014 to reduce fossil CO2 emissions from waste incineration. As this was limited until the end of 2021, negotiations have taken place between the Confederation and the Association on the conclusion of a follow-up agreement. Attorney at law Lorenz Lehmann provided legal advice to the VBSA during these contract negotiations. In March 2022, the VBSA and DETEC were able to sign a new agreement on the reduction of fossil CO2 emissions from waste incineration and the implementation of technologies for the capture, storage and use of CO2 in Swiss waste incineration plants.

Info about the project

Project manager

Lorenz Lehmann

Partner, Head of Environmental and Climate Law, Chairman of the Board of Directors