Legal opinion on water protection NAGRA

Legal opinion on detailed questions of water protection law with interfaces to nuclear energy law

The project

Various facilities on the surface are required for the construction and operation of a deep geological repository. These include the facilities for packaging the radioactive waste (e.g. fuel element packaging facility or SFWIP). As part of the sectoral plan procedure for a deep geological repository, the question also arises as to where such a SFWIP should be located. Water protection concerns must be taken into account here, along with other protected interests. Individual stakeholders involved in the various consultation and participation processes have raised the question of whether, for example, a FPE may be constructed within the Au water protection area. Lawyer Lorenz Lehmann from Ecosens AG has prepared a legal opinion on this question on behalf of nagra.

Info about the project

Project manager

Lorenz Lehmann

Partner, Head of Environmental and Climate Law, Chairman of the Board of Directors