Investigation of air quality and ventilation hygiene, Kloten

Hygienic and health inspection of the ventilation systems at the Schluefweg Center

The project

The Schluefweg Center in Kloten has an extensive network of ventilation systems dating from the time it was built, which will be replaced in stages over the next few years. To ensure that the ventilation system in its current state does not pose a health risk to building users, Ecosens AG examined the quality of the air from the ventilation system. To this end, this supply air was checked in various rooms for any microbial contamination, fine dust and the presence of artificial mineral fibers and these measured values were compared with the hygiene requirements of the applicable standards and guidelines. According to the hygiene requirements for ventilation systems and devices, the quality of the supply air must not be worse than the corresponding reference air (in this case the outside air). The measurements carried out showed that the quality of the air from the ventilation system is flawless from a hygienic point of view and that any risk to building users can therefore be ruled out.

Info about the project

Project manager

Pascal Diefenbacher

Head of Indoor Air Quality

Raphael Rapold

Project manager for indoor air quality, blower door specialist