Alpine solar plant Illanz (GR)

With the revision of the Energy Act (EnG), the federal government adopted the so-called "Solar Express" for large-scale photovoltaic systems in fall 2022. The amendment to the law also simplified and defined the approval procedure for Alpine solar installations on open spaces.

With the urgent federal law, parliament has triggered a short-term boost for Alpine plants. Axpo wants to play a pioneering role with its solar offensive and is planning to start building several large-scale Alpine plants by 2025. Large-scale photovoltaic system "Ovra Solara Camplauns" in Ilanz/Glion in the canton of Graubünden. According to current plans, the plant will produce around

22 gigawatt hours of sustainable electricity, a significant amount of which will be generated during the cold winter months.

Together with myx GmbH, Ecosens supports the planning with the preparation of a soil survey at the site. In this way, we ensure that the sensitive Alpine soils are protected and preserved through optimal planning of construction and operation. This is an important contribution to the preservation of alpine flora and fauna.

Contact person
Daniel Sabathy
Head of Department Environmental Planning
Dipl. natw. ETH Zurich (Biology)