Indoor air measurements according to Minergie-ECO in the new Gönhard school building in Aarau

The new building was constructed in accordance with Minergie-ECO specifications.

The project

The existing Gönhard school complex was extended with a new building, creating additional space for the elementary school, kindergarten and music school. The new building was constructed in accordance with Minergie-ECO specifications. Accordingly, indoor air measurements must be carried out after completion of the construction work to ensure successful certification. They serve to check the indoor air for contamination from materials and constructions. These measurements must be carried out by a certified measuring body. Ecosens AG has been certified accordingly by S-Cert AG since 2014. measurements were carried out (VOC = volatile organic compounds). The analysis results showed that the indoor air is heavily contaminated with an aromatic solvent (xylene) and various other substances. It was therefore not advisable from a health point of view to use this room as it was found. The detailed analysis data showed that the air pollution was caused by the sealing of the floor with clear varnish and not by the former industrial use. On the basis of this investigation, remediation measures were developed to reduce the air pollution.

Info about the project

Project manager

Pascal Diefenbacher

Head of Indoor Air Quality